Fallout 4, arguably the most anticipated game of the year (or in many years, for that matter), was released last Tuesday. This, of course, means there has been plenty of days for the internet modding community to go wild. Even with such a short amount of time with the title, the community hasn’t disappointed. For people who love to add that extra, user-created spice to your games, take a gander at this list of some of the best Fallout 4 mods available right now.

Unlimited Settlement Objects by Spyder63
The game limits the amount of objects you can place in any given settlement for some silly reason called “balance.” If the sort of tomfoolery you have envisioned for your Wasteland Mecca requires more parts, then consider giving this one a download.

Creature Follower ESP Version by BOTLANNER/DumdogsWorld
Dogmeat is cool and all, but the harsh realities of the Commonwealth demand a companion with a bit more gusto. Or teeth. With this mod, it’s really up to you. Make those Super Mutants work for you with this clever mod.

Authentic Red Sox Uniforms by Anonymous
This one might not be around by the time you read this, because it adds heavily trademarked and protected team uniforms into Fallout‘s grim universe. The accompanying image of Red Sox first baseman David Ortiz in-game may have to be a vicarious replacement for downloading the mod yourself.

Fallout 4 Configuration Tool by Bilago
A super useful catch all mod that allows players to adjust some of the little things in the game. Wanna spice up your UI with a new color? How about adjust the mouse sensitivity? Adjust the shadows or gore? Skip the intro? Gamepad support? Bilago’s got you covered!