Voxelnauts Enters Final 10 Days on Kickstarter

Gaming News
Gaming News

A mesh of retro gaming and futuristic elements, Voxelnauts is an MMO Sandbox RPG with endless possibilities. From Retro Ronin, the game has already been Greenlit by the Steam community and is now entering its final stretch on Kickstarter. Gamepedia has partnered with the developers to present the Official Voxelnauts Wiki, a thorough resource for learning more about this upcoming title.

When first starting the game, you’ll begin on the planet Oasis. You can do virtually anything in Voxelnauts, from mining resources to designing structures to becoming a powerful warrior. Choose how to play the game, how you’ll survive, and how to thrive on this beautiful, varied world full of wondrous sights and ancient ruins.

Outside of Oasis, there are plenty of other worlds to explore. For example, Deep Space Station 1 is a central hub for commerce and socialization in the game. You can even terraform your own planet, where you’ll determine the entire design of the world. Travel from planet to planet, view creations from other players, and collect rare treasures from across the game. Voxelnauts supports VR headsets and will initially be released for Windows, Mac, and Linux users.

Below, you’ll find a just-released video from the Voxeulnauts development team that showcases some of the new music being added to the game. You can also view more Voxelnauts videos on the game’s YouTube Channel.

The game is expected to release in mid 2016, and you still have 10 days to back this project on Kickstarter. Backer rewards include the game’s soundtrack, in-game items, and access to private areas in the game. To stay up-to-date on the latest Voxelnauts news, follow the game on Facebook and Twitter. You can also learn more about the game by visiting the Official Voxelnauts Wiki on Gamepedia.