Be it a competition of strength between rivals or a battle to the death, how you equip yourself is a vital part of winning and losing. That is – unless you’re a character on this list, none of which take preparation all that seriously.These underdressed combatants shouldn’t stand a chance when the fight is on, but their egregious disregard for their own protection is never taken into account. It’s time to call out these offenders.

1. Ivy
So, in a fight with time and space’s greatest swordspeople, one would think it would behoove someone to wear an outfit that is somewhat sword resistant. Ivy is one of those people that isn’t into conforming to a good idea, as the costume involves less and less actual costume as the series progresses.

2. Sonya Blade
Technically, every female character from Mortal Kombat can qualify for a spot on this list, but all of the other combatants on the roster get a pass, since they’re all supernatural and what not. When Sonya, who’s supposed to be an elite special operative, shows up to combat in a tank top and cargo yoga pants, I have to question her rank.

3. Tifa
I get it, shes a down home girl with humble and wholesome values when you meet her. But when she makes the decision to join Cloud in chasing Sephiroth across the planet, she probably should have brought pants.

4. Lulu
Lulu’s attire is as extravagant and impressive as it is confusing. Firstly, she’s the only person in Spira who is decked out completely in black leather. Secondly, as an experienced Guardian, she should know that a floor length gown made of leather belts wreaks hell on her range of motion. You’re going on a pilgrimage, lady. Sweats and some sneakers wouldn’t have hurt.

5. Rachel
Her choice of attire is… interesting. It just enough “shirt and shoes” that she can grab a Coke from a convenience store without protest, but not enough to really prevent a demon’s sword from piercing her body.

6. Amazon
The Amazon in Dragon’s Crown fills the bare minimum requirement for what could be considered wearing clothes. I guess the argument is that she has a giant axe and if anything hit her before she got a chance to swing it, she’d be dead anyway. I guess.

7. Raiden
Though he’s well equipped throughout most of MGS2, Raiden goes through a phase where he and his clothes are separated from one another, and the most hilarious cartwheels ever cartwheeled are spammed for minutes on end. It’s safe to say he learned his lesson.

8. Heihachi
Normally, Heihachi is appropriately dressed for fisticuffs. Sometimes, especially if you or your opponent have a particularly unique sense of humor, Heihachi is wearing nothing but a tightly wrapped loin cloth. Ending the round quickly is never more imperative.

9. Mai
I can appreciate Mai’s go-getter attitude. She’s willing to take on any challenge, even if someone catches her in her robe and unmentionables. The problem is, she’s never wearing anything but her robe and unmentionables.

10. Bridget
Bridget is a boy who dresses up like a female nun. He also wears rollerskates, and fights with a techno yo-yo. None of these things leave you well equipped for combat against magical guitar witches.
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