The Vita turns 3 years old this week, and Sony wants to ring the occasion in by throwing a party for your game library/wallet. There are a lot of items to that are either greatly reduced in price or straight up free to be downloaded this week, and it can be a daunting task to figure out just which of these games are really the cream of the crop. Allow us to help
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD
There’s something incredibly special about the Oddworld series. Something that new gamers finally got an opportunity to experience in 2012 when the old XBOX classic Munch’s Oddysee was ported in high definition to the handheld. A game with a great story revolving around themes of sustainability and consumerism that are still very relevant today, Munch’s Oddysee is still competent puzzle platformer at its core. Now that it’s cheap, there’s no excuse for Vita fans not experience this true gem of a bygone era.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus
Like its predecessor, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is an action brawler fans best friend. Taking control of super ninja Ryu Hayabusa feels great on the Vita. The precision and skill this game requires still intact and not at all hindered by the more compact inputs. It also looks gorgeous, and is perfect for sating that thirst for hardcore action in small doses
When Double Eleven and Playdead brought this moody puzzle platformer to PSN in 2013, Playstation faithful finally got to see what all the fuss was about. Now that it’s on sale, it’s time to indulge if you haven’t already. An incredible leyline of great visuals, audio, and mechanical design. You will die a lot, though.

Jet Set Radio
This little Dreamcast gem was ported to the Vita in 2012, and it hasn’t missed a step in its hibernation. A funky soundtrack propels you around a cel-shaded Tokyo on roller blades, and asks to take back your city from rival gangs and the long arm of the law though the power of paint. Tony Hawk-style jumps and grinds make traveling through the mega urban sprawl a frenetic experience, and tagging walls becomes an addictive completion’s obsession.
Not even really a Vita game (technically PSP), this is a Monster Hunter clone at first looks. A few hours in, you see that the modern slant on the tried and true formula really sets it apart from its obvious inspirations. The duality of melee and ranged combat against huge monsters is exhilarating, and since there Monster Hunter games don’t seem to be coming to Sony consoles anytime soon, it may be your only option.
Of course, these aren’t the only good games being offered at ridiculously low prices. Got a good one the people should know about? Tweet @Cursegamepedia and comment below with suggestions!