Leadership is a valued role that is difficult to obtain and excel at without the proper skills. Be they meglomaniacal villains or just dimwitted do-gooders, some charismatic types just don’t have it in them to run things. Don’t let our fictional video game characters convince you that they’re any different. They fall into these sub-types of “bad leader” all the same.

1. “I’m Doing This for Us!”
You know the type. The sort of leaders who have no problem destroying entire nations or compromising entire species because, in their mind, it’s for the greater good of everyone involved. As any enlightened thinker could probably agree, the Status Quo isn’t always a social condition with “progressive harmony” in mind, but these sorts of rulers take great artistic license when it comes to liberating the people from the shackles of oppression. Or the types of leaders who, in their own follies, wanted to make sure they future-proof themselves from making the same bad decisions of the past by making bad decisions in the future. Men and women like The Illusive Man (Mass Effect Series), Zeikfried (Wild ARMS), Sophia Lamb (Bioshock 2), Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid Series), and, depending on how you interpret his relationship with the Gerado, Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda Series) are the epitome of this attitude.
2. “I’m Doing This for Me!”
The opposite of the previous, these sorts of rulers have no qualms about their intentions with their powers: they do whatever it is they want. Sometimes the joy of total domination is enough for some, other times people just want to watch the world burn. The real unifying factor with these sorts of leaders is that they flaunt their power recklessly and need to remind everyone of whose in charge regularly. People who fit this bill are Kefka (Final Fantasy 6), Arthas (Warcraft Series), The Boss (Saint’s Row Series), The Mishima/Kazama Clan (Tekken Series), M. Bison (Street Fighter Series), King Bohan (Heavenly Sword), and Mundus (DmC: Devil May Cry).
3. “This is Strictly Business!”
This is the sort of leader who makes decisions solely with profit in mind. The consequences are really moot points – so long as the bottom line remains both intact and virulent. This doesn’t always benefit a singular person, but more often a group, guild, or corporate structure who always seem to think worldly assets being in their possession ensure balance throughout the world. Leaders/organizations with this mentality include The Umbrella Corporation (Resident Evil Series), The LaLiLuLeLo (Metal Gear Solid Series), Handsome Jack (Borderlands).
4. “I’m Not Who You Think I Am!”
These are the leaders you think are one sort of person, but are actually someone completely different. They may have a natural charisma which hypnotizes your better judgement, but their real agendas are completely different. In some cases, these leaders are literally people pretending to be other people or are being controlled or altered from the shadows. Some of the best two-faced video game leaders include Edea (Final Fantasy 8), King of Baron (Final Fantasy 4), Gaia (The Illusion of Gaia), Atlas (Bioshock), Ashley Winchester (Wild ARMS 2), and Sydney Losstarot (Vagrant Story).
5. “Do I HAVE to Do This?”
When shoved on top of the pedestal, these leaders recoil instinctively. They never wanted the limelight, and if it weren’t for the fact that they were the chosen ones, the only survivors, or had such a perfect blend of natural talents, you’d never even hear about them. Among these leaders are Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7), Squall Lionheart (Final Fantasy 8), Alistair (Dragon Age: Origins), and in a more complex way, Revan (Knights of the Old Republic).