This Friday, November 14th, marks the release of 11 bit studios’ latest creation, This War of Mine, a game that’s putting a spin on the survival game genre. The ‘big bad’ is no longer of the monster, zombie or alien variety, but rather that of war and its effect on people and communities. With the release just around the corner, we wanted to bring your attention to the official wiki for the game, which may provide you with useful for tips and information on how to keep your ragtag group of weary survivors alive through the war.
What’s different about This War of Mine is that you don’t play the elite soldier, the tough-as-nails hero with all the right skills. You play as a group of civilians that are just trying to survive as the world turns to turmoil around them. The snipers around every corner prevent you from going out during the day, forcing your group having to hole up until night – the ‘safest’ time for you to go out and scavenge the area around you for necessities. Your war is on the inside, with your conscience, where you make the decisions on who you can save and what you can sacrifice.
Inspired by real-life events
Control your survivors and manage your shelter
Craft weapons, alcohol, beds or stoves – anything that helps you survive
Make decisions – an often unforgiving and emotionally difficult experience
Randomized world and characters every time you start a new game
- Charcoal-stylized aesthetics to complement the game’s theme
If you’re looking for more information about the game before Friday, you can visit the official This War of Mine wiki here on Gamepedia. Be sure to check back once the game is out as the community helps populate the wiki and if you have any good tips or suggestions yourself, don’t hesitate to contribute!