Slip on The Black Glove

Gaming News
Gaming News

The Black Glove, the upcoming independent first-person shooter from some of the brilliant minds who helped craft BioShock and BioShock Infinite, continues to push forward through Kickstarter. We’re proud to announce that we’ve partnered for the official The Black Glove Wiki, and are excited to tell you more about the game!

So what is The Black Glove? To answer that question is to tell you of a place called The Equinox. A theater from the 1920s, The Equinox is a place apart from time and steeped in a dimension far more twisted than our own. But the theater has fallen on hard times, and in order to help the establishment claw its way back to the top you’ll have to jump through time, altering events in the past to help the creators’ who frequent your theater improve their art.

The team at Day for Night Games set out to craft a narrative-focused gaming experience that hasn’t been seen before. The actions you take throughout The Black Glove not only progress the story forward, but change the way that the tale is told. Your decisions will leave lasting marks on what you find inside The Equinox, and your actions will impact and alter the works you see inside the theater.

One example of this can be seen when you progress through the game and come across the Arcade Alcove, a lounge near the main gallery where you can read books, view photographs, and play games. One of these games is a throwback to the arcade classics of the 1980s – The Maze of the Space Minotaur. Playing the game, as well as engaging in other interactions in the game will allow you to use the Black Glove, an item shrouded in mystery which lets you alter the past. By changing the muse of the creator – the driving force which made them create the work of art that they are responsible for – and everything changes. These differences are small at first, but as you continue through the theater you will quickly discover that your decisions have altered much more than a few paintings on the wall.

As of the time this post goes live, The Black Glove has raised over $100,000 towards their Kickstarter goal. But games like this, with their unconventional ambition in size, scope, and story, require a hefty bit of time and resources, and Day for Night Games knows that this is a significant undertaking. Head over to their Kickstarter to learn more about the game, as well as see what they offer backers of their game; art books, beta access, and even the possibility of pre-owning every game this team will ever make.

That’s a pretty good deal.

You can also learn more by checking out the official The Black Glove Wiki, which features information about the Curator, the Creators, and the Equinox theater itself.