5 Things You May Have Missed in ‘Source Code’

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Source Code stars Jake Gyllenhaal as U.S. Army captain Colter Stevens, mortally wounded in a combat mission in Afghanistan. He wakes up aboard a commuter train in Chicago with no memory of how he got there. Stevens soon learns that he’s part of a secret government project; his mission is to figure out who has planted a bomb on the train and why.

It’s a complex story with numerous twists and turns, not to mention some big surprises. If you’re not paying close attention, you might miss some key details. Here are 5 crazy things you might’ve missed in Source Code:

Comatose Colter

The movie involves a comatose Colter on life support; in reality, Jake Gyllenhaal didn’t have to play that part. It was a working prosthetic in the box that could simulate breathing.

Quantum Leap Connection

Did the voice of Colter’s father sound familiar? If so, it’s because that was Scott Bakula, of Quantum Leap and Star Trek: Enterprise fame. The plot of Quantum Leap is actually similar to Source Code, and what’s more, Bakula starts off the phone conversation in the movie by saying, “Oh boy!” This was one of his character, Sam Beckett’s, most famous quotes.

Montreal = Chicago

The railway map that was posted inside the train car is actually a map of Chicago’s commuter train network, but the color of the lines was changed. Despite the fact that the movie is set in Chicago, the bulk of filming took place in Montreal.

Duncan Jones’ ‘Moon’

Christina, played by Michelle Monaghan, has a distinctive ringtone on her phone. If you’re a fan of the film’s director Duncan Jones, you might notice that it’s the same song that Sam Rockwell’s alarm clock plays in the filmmaker’s previous movie Moon: “The One and Only” by Chesney Hawkes.

A Classic Novel

The first sentence of the recall statement, “Lilly awoke in an evening dress and opera cloak,” was inspired by the classic novel The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton.

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