It’s that time once again, ladies and gentlemen, to highlight the very best from the guys curating the Gamepedia YouTube channel. This week we spent some time with four of our favorite games here at Gamepedia HQ: Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, ArcheAge, and Life is Feudal. What do we have to show you? Well, let’s find out.
We kept it light on the Hearthstone content this week. With everything else going on, we only had time for one video – but it’s a good one. This week we told you everything you needed to know about Hearthstone‘s Rogue, Valeera Sanguinar.
…I hate you, Valeera. Except when I’m playing you – then I love you. I love your Hero Power that gives me a +1/+2 Hero attack. I love how Backstab is basically a free kill early game. But it’s for these reasons that I love playing as you, that I hate playing against you. If you, like me, play a Mage rush deck with two Mana Wyrms and Sorcerer’s Apprentices to pile on the spells early, a Rogue with Backstab can very quickly ruin an otherwise good day.
Heroes of the Storm went away for a hot minute as it made the jump from Technical Alpha to Beta, but now that it’s back we have two new Hero Spotlights for you to enjoy!
The Queen of Blades, Kerrigan, is an ultra-powerful Assassin with a wide range of ways to dole out the harshness. She throws blades, then she throws more blades. When she’s not throwing blades, she’s stabbing and slashing you with blades. Also, one of her Heroic Abilities lets her call on an Ultralisk that is just… not fun to counter.
Of course if you’re playing as Kerrigan, you don’t need to worry about that.
Chen is a drunken panda Pandaren who knows how to whoop some tail with his mighty staff. His different abilities not only allow him to use his keg to smash enemies and slowing enemies by drenching them in beer, but they also give him fire breath – which has its advantages.
ArcheAge… I don’t get it. I’m in the minority – this game has a big, and growing fanbase who are finding the questing, the combat, and the freedom to explore and impact the world to be refreshing. In this video, we give new players a hand by breaking down the different races in the game, and which abilities each race has.
Still no explanation for why “Elf” is written in courier font, though.
Finally this week, Life is Feudal is a game that gives you unparalleled freedom to build and create just about anything you can thing of. But before you can go about building your glorious castle, you have to first build your hut – otherwise, if you die, you’re kinda screwed unless you want to hunt for your corpse in the wild. In this video, we show you how to do just that.
Yeah, okay. So building a hut out of twigs, leaves, and hope isn’t the most illustrious thing in the world. But you know something? We have to earn our success in life; we work ourselves hard, from sun up to sun down, to improve our lives and craft things we can be proud of. Now, don’t you want to be proud of the work you’ve done in working your way from a miserable little shack to a stunning mountain?
…what? St-stop looking at me like that.
Well, there you go. You can always see the latest original content from Gamepedia, as well as trailers for upcoming indie games (and the occasional AAA juggernaut), subscribe to the Gamepedia YouTube channel. If you want to see us cover something in particular, though, swing on through our forums – they’re shiny, and new, and we’d love it if y’all hung out for a while.