Lose Yourself in the Official Islanded Wiki

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Gaming News

It takes something special for a particular game to stand out from the crowd in this ever-increasingly crowded sea of survival games. Islanded does just that by pushing aside the tropes of the genre and carving its own path. Engyne Creations has done away with having to survive in a world of monsters, demons, dragons, or other humans. In Islanded, your only challenge is surviving against nature itself.

Islanded is, at its core, a sandbox survival game where you must stave off the various elements of your environment to stay alive. This means that you will have to build shelter to protect yourself from the weather, and you’ll have to fight off predatory animals and hunt prey for food. You’ll be tested in ways that few other games have ever attempted as you try to survive in this deceptively dangerous landscape.

Because Islanded is a sandbox game, you are given an incredible amount of freedom to use everything you see on the island to your advantage. This means that you can chop down trees with axes that you build, and then use that wood to construct a shelter to defend against the dynamic weather system, which will see you endure scorching heat and torrential rains. Finding the items to construct such things is, in itself, a challenge as you have to be wary of your environment; if avoiding predatory animals wasn’t enough of a challenge, you’ll have to make sure that you keep well-hydrated and well-fed, all the while.

The game also includes an online component as well, allowing you to work with (and perhaps against?) other survivors to build larger shelters and share resources to keep each other alive. More on that aspect will be revealed over time, as the game continues to be worked on.

Islanded is currently in Alpha, and right now Engyne Creations is offering the Alpha (and eventual beta) build of the game for free. You can also learn more about the game by visiting our Official Islanded Wiki! As the game continues to evolve, you’ll find information on all of the items, resources, and threats that you’ll have to conquer while on the island. If you’re already in the game and want to become a contributor to our Wiki network, you can find out everything you’ll need to know by visiting our Help Wiki.