Announcing the Eminence: Xanders Tales Official Wiki

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Gaming News

Eminence: Xander’s Tales is a Massively Multiplayer Online Trading Card Game – an MMOTCG, if you will. It combines the mechanics of a collectible card game with the rich and vibrant overworlds, deep storytelling, and bountiful social features found in many MMORPGs. The game’s developers, London-based Aeterna Studios, have been hard at work on bringing Eminence to life, and we are happy to announce that we’ve partnered with them to launch and support the Official Eminence: Xander’s Tales Wiki!

Eminence: Xander’s Tales places you in a world where science and fantasy are in near-constant opposition. In this world, mighty empires wage unending war for control of the planet’s precious few resources, and humanity is under constant temptation to succumb to their demons. As the world tries to keep itself from crumbling, you ally yourself with a powerful alchemist and begin to piece together an ancient mystery of death and rebirth. As you learn more, you begin to travel down a path to learn how, if possible, to prevent your sun from dying once more and saving the world of Artalys from certain doom.

That’s pretty epic, yeah? It’s something else, and as you make your way further through the game you will learn even more about these mysteries, as well as the political and social strife that grips your world. The story is ever-evolving, and the world changes around you as you play.

At the core of Xander’s Tales is its unique card battle system that Aeterna based on popular card games like Triple Triad. A core aspect of combat in the game is the penalty for defeat. If you lose a duel, your enemy takes a card. On the flipside, if you win a duel then you have the opportunity to take one of their cards. This, combined with the cards that you can earn from playing through the story content and taking part in in-game events.

Eminence: Xander’s Tales is currently running a Kickstarter Campaign to help fund the game. At the time of this publish, and with three weeks remaining in their campaign, they have already reached the half-way point in their funding. You can also vote for the game on Steam Greenlight, where approval from the community will pave the way for the game to become available for Steam’s Early Access program.

Of course, if you want to learn more about Xander’s Tales, you can always visit the Official Eminence: Xander’s Tales Wiki, where, with help from our dedicated contributors, you’ll be able to find more information about Artalys, the different cards, and even the different artists of those cards. If you want to be a part of helping this wiki, or any of our other wikis on the Gamepedia Network grow, be sure to swing through our Help Wiki. There you’ll find walkthroughs for how our sites work, as well as how to edit the different wikis.