Skyforge: The Paladin

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“Born in the gloom, terrible bloodshed and chaos of the first years of the New Age – Paladin’s emerged as guardians of order. Eternal law states that chaos is doomed to create order. They rose from the fires of countless feuds and fratricidal wars, and dared stand for order, and dedicate their lives to protecting the weak and oppressed. They are the spiritual heirs of Aeli, and a true weapon of good.” – Asterius’s Encyclopedia

We continue our coverage of Skyforge by highlighting another starting class in the game; the fearless and noble Paladin! But what is it that makes this defender of the weak an invaluable asset to your party, and a formidable choice to play? Read on beyond the break the find out!

Paladins are melee fighters, unafraid of overwhelming enemy numbers as they charge into the fight. Their fair amounts of health combined with a rapid health regeneration rate gives them the tools to tank several foes at one time, systematically cutting them down with powerful attacks and spectacular combos. With each successful basic attack the Paladin accumulates Righteous Anger, which can be spent on more powerful attacks and combat techniques.

In the group dynamic, a Paladin can shield their compatriots from incoming attacks, as well as remove debuffs. Paladins are also able to create opportunities for their teammates to strike. Their ability to draw enemy attention away from their physically weaker allies gives their teammates the time to strike from afar. Paladins are also able to stun their enemies, knock them down, or even control them. As the Paladin levels, they can unlock abilities that increase their health and multiply their damage, making them an even more potent asset to any team dynamic.

Paladins have two basic abilities…

  • Righteous Blow – A left-click basic attack that inflicts damage on enemies by swinging your sword. This is the first strike in a series of basic attacks.
  • Waves of Wrath – An ability that can only be used after charging the attack by holding down the right-mouse button. Once charged, the Paladin will swing their sword in a circle, striking all nearby enemies and knocking them off their feat. The more damaged an enemy is prior to being hit with this attack, the longer they’ll stay on their backs.

These two attacks are used to create strings of combo attacks, activated with left-and-right mouse clicks, that dish out lots of damage on whatever is unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of it.

  • Seal of Light (L+R) – This combo sees the Paladin swing their sword crosswise, damaging the intended target as well as enemies lined behind it.
  • Punishing Bolt (L+L+L) – A powerful downward strike that deals a good amount of damage. If landed on an enemy while on Holy Ground the target will also be struck by lightning, increasing the damage output and also looking pretty awesome.
  • Justice Blade (L+L+L+L) – After landing Righteous Blow, the Paladin makes three quick strikes where each one that hits deals more damage than the previous strike.
  • Divine Scourge (L+L+L+R) – On the Paladin’s fourth successful strike they jump high in the air and deliver a devastating downward blow that is accompanied by a lightning storm that impacts several enemies. Should the Paladin have the Celestial Shield skill activate, the shield will explode to inflict additional damage. If the Paladin is on Holy Ground, or Righteous Anger is spent, the radius and power of the attack increases. And if the Paladin lands the ability on Holy Ground while Celestial Shield is active… well, yeah. It will suck to be the other guy.

You can see all of these abilities in action in the video posted below, which goes into a little more detail to showcase just how powerful a skilled Paladin can be.

In addition to these offensive-minded attacks, the Paladin has other abilities…

  • Holy Ground, which lets the Paladin bless the ground around them and gain inexhaustible power and allow them to use their abilities without consuming Righteous Anger for as long as Holy Ground is active.
  • Aegis of Light sees the Paladin raise their shield high into the air to be struck by a beam of divine light which grants temporary invincibility.
  • Radiant Aspect, the Paladin’s special ability, lets them call on holy power to rise into the sky, shedding all negative effects inflicted on them before coming back down to Earth and striking nearby enemies. The massive damage dealt to the enemies is accompanied by attack and defensive buffs and immunity to control effects. It also activates Holy Ground.

These aren’t all of the abilities for the Paladin, of course. As Skyforge continues to grow and evolve, you’ll be able to find a more detailed list of abilities and their descriptions on the game’s official website.

Paladins are arguably the most durable class in the game, able to absorb an unhealthy amount of damage while keeping enemies from attacking their allies. Combine this with stun and knock back abilities, regenerative health, and defensive abilities that include temporary invulnerability, and it becomes apparent why the trustworthy and honorable Paladin would be among Skyforge‘s most prized classes.

So, does the Paladin seem like a class you’d play? Good! Be sure to sign up for the Skyforge Beta for your chance to be a part of the game. You can also help us keep the Skyforge Wiki up to date by becoming a contributor. If you’re interested, be sure to swing by our Help Wiki to learn about our Wiki network and how you can add new information for this or any other wiki on the network.