Hazard Ops (known as Zombies Monsters Robots in North America) brings an eclectic mix of shooter tropes together to create one of the most intense, over-the-top, what-in-the-hell-is-happening-to-this-world experiences that you can find today. Developed by Yingpei Games and published by Infernum Productions (as Hazard Ops) and En Masse Entertainment (as Zombies Monsters Robots in North America), Hazard Ops will throw you and your friends against an unending onslaught of monsters, robots, mummies, zombies, dinosaurs, mutants, and just about everything else under the sun! We’re excited that we’ve partnered with Infernum Productions to create the Official Hazard Ops Wiki, giving players a centralized resource to learn about every weapon, character, map, and game mode in this free-to-play shooter.
There’s a lot to look forward to in Hazard Ops. Keep reading to learn more!
It is the early 21st century (aka “now”), and twisted monstrosities have ravaged the world. You are part of a rag-tag group of survivors who live to send those demons back to whatever hell they came from. But you’re not doing it for a noble cause, or because the fate of humanity depends on it. No, your motivations are far more practical: money. You’re a gun for hire, and you use the money that you earn from killing monsters and completing missions in the game to unlock more powerful weapons and other gear that will help you keep the fight going.
There are a multitude of ways to play Hazard Ops, with each game mode offering a new take on life in this post-apocalyptic wasteland. A few of the countless game modes include…
- Assault Ops: You and a group of friends take the fight to the monsters by storming their strongholds, mopping the floor with the countless waves of enemies thrown at you, and ultimately squaring off against a powerful final boss that stands between you and your objective.
- Extermination Ops aka Kill Every Thing: A deadly virus has begun to spread, killing humans and then raising them from the dead as flesh-eating zombies. As the name suggests, you re-kill them, wave after progressively more difficult wave, until either you stand atop a pile of zombie corpses or you become a member of the undead.
- Survival: You and a small team of players must fortify your position as you fight back wave after wave of monsters. If you want an extra challenge, try Massive Survival, which throws an unfair number of monsters at you.
Perhaps you don’t want to mow down monsters; maybe you want to test your skills against other players. Not to fear – Hazard Ops features a number of different competitive multiplayer modes as well. They include classic game types like Free-For-All, Team Deathmatch, Elimination (once you die, you’re dead ’til the round ends), King of the Hill, and more.
These different game types are playable across a wide selection of maps which continue to expand, taking you from Shanghai warehouses and skyscraper rooftops to historic Istanbul and the ever-infamous Area 51. Further adding to the variety of the gameplay are the different “missions” that will be assigned to you as you play. Some of these can be as simple as killing a certain number of enemies or defeating a particular game type in a set time. These missions update daily, further ensuring that you’re always going to have some variety in your objectives.
Hazard Ops has just recently entered into Open Beta, meaning that you can play right now! To enlist in the beta, create a Hazard Ops (or Zombies Monsters Robots in North America) account, sign up, and download the game client – it’s that simple! You can also help keep the official wiki updated with the latest information about new maps, new weapons, new monsters, and new game modes, as Yingpei and Infernus continue to update the game. If you’re interested in becoming a contributor to the Hazard Ops Wiki, head on over to our Help Wiki to learn more.