24 Hours Left in Our Indie Humble Bundle

Gaming News
Gaming News

Last week we announced that Gamepedia had partnered with the wonderful people at Humble Bundle to sponsor their latest Weekly Bundle, offering the chance to pick up nine of the most talked about indie games for as little as $10. The response has been amazing, with nearly 50,000* bundles being sold so far! Now if you haven’t jumped on this one-time opportunity just yet, don’t worry – you still have time! Keep on reading to see what’s being offered, and how you can not only get your hands on these games, but also help out the First Book and IndieCade Foundation charities in the process.

The The Humble Weekly Bundle featuring Gamepedia lets you pay as much or as little as you want for a slew of titles. At the base “pay-what-you-want” level, you’re given six games for as little as $1.

For people willing to contribute a minimum of $6 to the Weekly Bundle, not only will they unlock the games listed above but they will also unlock two additional games as well as 30-day access to Curse Premium, our service that brings you exclusive offers and demos, as well as software to manage all of your add-ons for games like Minecraft and World of Warcraft. The games available for $6 contributors?

Even more games become available for people who decide to contribute $10 or more. In addition to everything already listed, $10-and-up contributors also gain access to these titles:

And finally, people who want to contribute $36 or more to our partnered charities through this week’s bundle will be granted access to everything listed above as well as some physical swag that includes a t-shirt and wristband.

The Humble Weekly Bundle featuring Gamepedia ends tomorrow, July 17th, at 10:59am PDT. This gives you less than 24 hours from the time this has been published to pick up these games. A bundle like this is very unlikely to ever happen again, so if anything on this list appeals to you, now is as good a time – and as good a cause – as any to jump on board.

*As of publish.