Happy launch day to our friends in Lost Decade Games! A Wizard’s Lizard is the tale of a faithful pet, friend and servant working to defy Death himself and bring your wizard back to life in this action RPG. Now available through Steam, A Wizard’s Lizard is available for Mac, PC and Linux, and is ideal for fans of retro RPGs. Not sure what awaits you as you begin your journey against Death? The Official A Wizard’s Lizard Wiki is packed full of community-curated information to become the hero your wizard and the town needs!
Are you ready to save your master from Death, rebuild the town, rescue the locals from dungeons and learn the secrets of the dead? Head over to Steam and pick up a copy of A Wizard’s Lizard! As you crawl through dungeons to rescue the townsfolk, uncover hidden treasures and commune with the dead, know that any time you want to look ahead, the Official A Wizard’s Lizard Wiki is there to be your constant companion. Should you run into typos or missing information as you use the wiki, know that you are able to correct any issues you find. All wikis at Gamepedia are community driven and rely on the help of folks like yourself! Not sure where to get started? Take a look at the Help Wiki for ideas on contributing and editing.