Infinity Runner comes with a variety of modes, including up to 35 persons multiplayer. Unlock the mysteries of the Infinity Runner, dealing with its long forgotten and locked away secrets (freakin werewolves!), and ultimately escape the ship for your own survival. Not only is this sci-fi RPG set with high action combat, but also a compelling narrative to drive you through the game’s story. The ship itself is absolutely enormous. To put the size into perspective, a technological breakthrough created a small and powerful engine, which is 10 miles in length! You’ll need to traverse all of the expansive and diverse environments to not only escape the ship, but the horrors that await.
To learn more about what horrors to expect, head on over to the Official Infinity Runner Wiki and see what you can expect, as well as reading the game’s Twitter feed and learning what new news is available. Enjoying Infinity Runner and found something in-game that’s not in the wiki? Since all of our wikis are community driven, you’re invited to join the growing list of Gamepedia contributors by creating a page for the information you’ve found! For tips on getting started, the Help Wiki is the perfect place to learn all about editing your favorite Gamepedia wikis.