This week we are thrilled to introduce the Bloodmasque Wiki, which is both developed and published by Square Enix! Bloodmasque is a newly released action RPG available on iOS devices and available in the Apple iTunes App store.
You play the role of the hunter or huntress, using a scanned image of your face to skin over your character, along with a couple of emotional images to make the cinematics come to life! The choice of either allowing select people to view a your real face or modifying it using the game’s editing tools is in your hands! Hunters, the result of half-human, half-vampire, can team up with other hunters in real time to battle together. Made with the touch screen in mind, Bloodmasque has controls such as tap to attack and swipe to dodge.
For the latest information on Bloodmasque, be sure to check out the wiki! If you know of new information, don’t hesitate to update. Have a look at the help page for tips on getting started!