In addition to throwing down a sick beat, the guys and gals over at DoubleFine have proven once again that they can deliver the goods when it comes to gaming. Hack ‘n’ Slash, a puzzle adventure game about hacking and reverse engineering, heads into Steam Early Access today. While there is sure to be plenty of hacking and plenty of slashing in your journeys through this whimsical tale, the primary theme is exploration and the satiation of a youthful curiosity. Rework the very code of the game in order to solve riddles and unlock secrets!
Available in Early Access for the righteous price of only $19.99, pick up your copy of Hack ‘n’ Slash today! For anyone who really enjoys HnS, feel free to update the game’s Official Wiki! If you’ve never edited before and would like a little bit of assistence our Help Wiki is a great place to start. For additional updates on DoubleFine and many of their exciting upcoming titles follow Gamepedia on Twitter @CurseGamepedia and “like” us on Facebook!