We’re happy to announce that the Official The Universim Wiki has come to Gamepedia! The Universim is a god-sim game where you grow a universe from the ground up. Recently Greenlit on Steam, The Universim is halfway through a Kickstarter campaign, where they have met almost half of their funding goal! Developer Crytivo Games aims to create an enjoyable gameplay experience through The Universim, no matter what kind of gamer you are. Even though The Universim is currently in early stages of development, it is gaining positive traction through gaming press!
Your planets start with civilizations in the stone age and must start at the beginning, working their way towards modern times and into the future. Through research, you can watch your planets’ inhabitants learn fire, build weapons and start wars. Will you intervene and keep two cities from solving their issues through violence, or will you watch from afar to see what becomes of the conflict? In The Universim, you do not directly interact with your citizens. However, you influence them to guide them along their paths. You set them towards learning certain technologies and decide what they research, and then they continue to walk the path you have set out for them even when you’re not playing!
When you’re ready for an adventure in what is one of the most anticipated god-sims, head over to Kickstarter and find the perfect reward tier just for you! If you act fast, you can get your hands on a DRM-free copy of the game for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux for the Kickstarter early adopter price of only fifteen bucks! Another way you can help out is by becoming an editor and contributor for the official wiki. Lending a hand is easy. Have a look at the Help Wiki to see how you can get started!