We’ve recently had a ton of new wikis go up here at Gamepedia and we can’t wait to tell you all about them! In our first installment this week for New Wiki Roundup, we’d like to tell you all about Darkest Dungeon, Game of Bombs, Mine Builder, Space Engineers and Styx: Master of Shadows. Don’t forget that every wiki at Gamepedia is for and by the community. Members, just like yourself, work hard on keeping Gamepedia wikis the best possible resources for the community. Interested in lending a hand? Have a look at the Help Wiki for ideas on how you can get started!
Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon was recently backed successfully on Kickstarter this month over four times its initial goal! A gothic Roguelike RPG that greatly stresses dungeon crawling, Darkest Dungeon is a sidescroller with lovely stylized art to match the fantastic adventuring you have to look forward to. Unlike most RPGs where you lead a team through your adventures, Darkest Dungeon offers heroes who are very much human. They come highly flawed, but these flaws can work to your advantage. Learn more about them for added depth in your adventure!
A Game of Bombs/Bombermine
Based on the classic Bomberman, Game of Bombs, which is now being called Bombermine, is a web-based game that can allow for up to a thousand players on one map. Not only do players get to fight in epic bomb fights, but there is also a soccer ball to find, which you can grab and make goals with. The game is free to play. All you need to do is head over to the website and create an account, or you can even just make up a name and start playing as a guest!
Minebuilder is heavily influenced by Minecraft and is available for both iOS and Android mobile devices through their respective stores. A project that started out from a student’s love for gaming, Minebuilder has allowed its studio Space Walrus to grow into a small, dedicated studio with new projects on the horizon! Minebuilder comes with tons of features — such as crafting, building, multiplayer and monsters to fight — and is constantly receiving new game updates.
Space Engineers
Space Engineers is currently available for Steam Early Access, has multiple play modes, features a real physics engine and everything in game can either be assembled or disassembled. Not only can you play single player, co-op or multiplayer in Space Engineers, but multiplayer is available in two additional modes: creative and survival. If that’s not enough for your creativity, Space Engineers also has a level editor!
Styx: Master of Shadows
Styx: Master of Shadows is a prequel to Of Orcs and Men, by the same studio, Cyanide. A gorgeous game built on the Unreal engine, Styx has a rich, expansive story to discover. and each level in the game is enormous, offering multiple paths to choose from in order to reach your goal. Our hero, Styx, is the first known goblin who is over 250 years old, whose adventure begins long before Of Orcs and Men. While there might be a sense of familiarity while playing the game, do not expect to run into characters you’ve encountered previously! Styx: Master of Shadows is currently in development.