Lichdom: Battlemage, from Xaviant Games, is currently available for Early Access through Steam. One of the newest wikis at Gamepedia is the Lichdom: Battlemage Wiki! In Lichdom: Battlemage, the mage is front and center in this gorgeous first person action game. You have several elemental styles at your disposal, each with its own behavior to master. Spells can also be crafted through looting components off of the corpses of your fallen enemies. Lichdom: Battlemage offers players an air of familiarity combined with a unique play experience from a perspective that hasn’t been offered.
Not only does Lichdom: Battlemage offer players a rich world of crafting and magic, but a game where players need to rely on adaptability and strategy in order to overcome the obstacles they will encounter. One of the most interesting aspects of Lichdom: Battlemage is definitely the crafting system. Not only do you find components through your looting, but you also synthesize loot batches in hopes of scoring rarer loot to craft more devastating spells! While crafting, you select the type of spell you’re constructing, such as area of effect, and then add in modifiers, which will allow you to create spells of your own design.
If you’re interested in having a new gaming experience, there are two ways that you can help out with Lichdom: Battlemage. First, by getting into Steam Early Access, you have a chance to not only play the game early, but watch it unfold during development and have a say in how it is shaped. In addition, as more information becomes available, the Lichdom: Battlemage Wiki will always have room for new contributors and editors! You have the chance to assist in keeping this wiki up to date and one of the best possible community resources for Lichdom: Battlemage. To get started as a contributor, have a look at the Help Wiki for ideas!