Leaguepedia has resumed production of infographics to break down each exciting week of the NA and EU League of Legends Championship Series. These are designed to help you keep track of your favorite players’ performance throughout each week of the LCS. Included are interesting numbers highlighting player gold-earned-per-minute and the percentage win-rates of teams who prioritize objective control over kills. In the weeks to come our infographics will change and improve to bring you the most updated and comprehensive statistics so you can be ahead of the curve when it comes to knowing your pros. Below is just a brief example of all the excitement that characterizes the NA LCS when two classic teams collide on the rift.
For future reference you can navigate to each week’s infographic pages by clicking the “Infographs” link to the right of the tournament’s title. I’ve made week 9’s infographics available by clicking here for the NA LCS infographic, or here for the EU LCS one. Be sure to follow us on twitter @CurseGamepedia and like us on Facebook so you’ll be the first to know about impactful roster changes and big upsets!