Wanting to turn to his roots, father of the horror survival genre, Shinji Mikami, wants to place players in a game filled with absolute horrors. We couldn’t be happier to announce that one of our newest wikis is none other than Mikami’s return, The Evil Within!
Players can expect that the immersive world of The Evil Within will be anxiety driven, pulling them to the edge of their seats, and most of all, terrifying! This multi-platform game is developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. Planting players in the story of Sebastian Castellanos, a detective who witnesses not only horrible deaths, but the downward spiral into insanity of a friend and the world falling apart.
We’re eagerly awaiting for more information to be released about The Evil Within, but the wiki is ready for community support! Gamepedia depends on community collaboration, as all of our wikis are for and by the community. If you would like to become a contributor, please see the help page on getting started!