Beta: The Game Official Wiki!

Gaming News
Gaming News

Beta: The Game is an exciting new game. Unlike others, the goals you complete in Beta not only make you a better gamer, but as you progress, you learn programming as well! We are more than thrilled that Beta: The Game’s Official Wiki is here at Gamepedia! Not only do you learn programming, but you can build, create and share games you have made with other Beta players.

Each week, your Beta account has access to new updates. Learn CodePop, the object-oriented programming language Beta is set in and explore games other community members have created! Beta allows you to play and code at the same time. There is not wait for compiling, which allows you to gain instant feedback! Beta offers a fun and creative way for anyone to not only learn how to program, but to enjoy learning as well!

Curious about Beta: The Game? Visit the official website to try the demo or to purchase the game! Once you’ve gotten yourself immersed in Beta, head over to Beta: The Game’s Official Wiki to see how you can contribute. The Help Wiki and our IRC channels are perfect tools for anyone who wants to contribute to wikis or just say hi!