If you are a fan of role-playing games, than Final Fantasy is a name you are probably well familiar with. There’s a great chance that you’ve developed a favorite over the almost 30 years this series has been around. With every entry in this anthology of semi-scifi, near-fantasy being so incredibly different than the others, one can probably discern a specific set of traits about the kind of person that likes any particular game. Or at least, that’s what were about to attempt.

Final Fantasy
- You are old.
- Time travel excites/scares you.
- You’ll literally talk to anyone (and everyone).
- This is your favorite web comic.

Final Fantasy II
- You often dream of riding flightless birds.
- You’ve considered changing your name to Cid.
- You’re very good at memorizing key words and phrases.
- You’re a rebel with a very specific set of causes.

Final Fantasy III
- You are the hippest of hipsters.
- You love options.
- You have a healthy mistrust of clouds.
- You think a well-rounded set of inheritance laws can prevent disasters.

Final Fantasy IV
- To you, there’s no such thing as “too many party members.”
- You’re really into space travel.
- King Arthur is your spirit animal.
- You are very forgiving.

Final Fantasy V
- You ship ExDeath/Gilgamesh.
- You’re a pirate every year for Halloween.
- You’re very skeptical about trees.
- No one understands you.

Final Fantasy VI
- You’re old or a hipster.
- You think pixel art is the best kind of art.
- Your favorite Batman villain is The Joker.
- Sadness makes you happy.

Final Fantasy VII
- This was your first Final Fantasy.
- You love 80’s action movies.
- You don’t play many JRPGs.
- You’re pretty trendy.

Final Fantasy VIII
- You value on-the-job training over traditional schooling.
- You think that there is no inappropriate spot for fur trim/chains.
- …
- Whatever.
Final Fantasy IX
- You are a quirky theater nerd and probably have a favorite Shakespearean sonnet.
- You might also be a furry. (No judgement.)
- You love Dragon Ball Z, especially the men with monkey tails.
- This is the last Final Fantasy you liked.

Final Fantasy X
- You might believe in ghosts.
- FFX is also your favorite Meg Ryan movie.
- You’re really into the beach.
- Whales make you nervous.

Final Fantasy XII
- You like Star Wars a lot.
- Bunny ears didn’t do much for you before, but now…
- You’re very much a “hands-off” kind of supervisor.
- To you, there are no bad guys.

Final Fantasy XIII
- You always have time to talk about your Lord and Savior, Lightning.
- You prefer subs over dubs.
- You probably love Gilmore Girls.
- You are rubber, they are glue.

Final Fantasy XV
- You’re still waiting for that Euro Trip sequel.
- You’ve recently found out that you’re a foodie.
- Seat belts feel like constructs developed by The Man to trap you.
- You have immaculate taste in hair.