In a small update from Niantic, a variety of Pokemon had their CP (or Combat Power) adjusted in Pokemon GO. So far, the community has had mixed feelings on the changes. Many trainers who have maintained a versatile Pokedex are happy with the CP adjustments, while others are frantic over their most powerful Pokemon being nerfed.
Here’s the update text from Niantic:
We have made adjustments to the CP (Combat Power) of various Pokémon. Some Pokémon, such as Alakazam, Rhydon, and Gengar will have their CP increased. Others will have their CP lowered. These changes will allow a more balanced and competitive battling and training experience in Gyms. We will continue to adjust the CP going forward to improve the game balance when necessary.
There are community reports of Pokemon such as Charizard, Gengar, Rhydon, Gyrados, and Snorlax being buffed. Additionally, it seems that Blastoise, Vileplume, Arcanine, and Exeggutor have been nerfed.
To discuss this update or read more about PoGo news, visit GamePress’s Pokemon GO site.

Brianna Reed
Brianna engages with the Gamepedia community through editorial content and social media. When she’s not busy tweeting about gaming news, she enjoys playing tabletop games, spending time outdoors, and binge-watching sci-fi.