Before we knew anything about Hello Games’ intergalactic race to the center of the universe, we at least knew it was pretty. Scenes and screenshots from all of the promo material painted the picture of a universe capable of vivid pastel planets with purple grass and neon skies. As folks dive into the game, though, one of the biggest surprises is how dramatic and dynamic the planets can be. They run the gamut as far as livability are concerned, but they are almost always beautiful. Here are some of the best photos the community has come up with in No Man’s Sky’s first week.

via Reddit (fryest)
via Reddit (kwatie)
via Reddit (BaconEggos)
via Reddit (The_Wafflers)
via Reddit (wanderon1)
via Reddit (LeXnDerDGr8)
via Reddit (weip)
via Reddit (supahglenn)
via Reddit (sunburned_albino)
via Reddit (Sith_Empire)
via Reddit (restoron)
via Reddit (olek)
via Reddit (keqpup)
via Reddit (kalamity222)
via Reddit (jason_dunks)
via Reddit (deadbeatredditer)
via Reddit (DallasDunn)
via Reddit (BaileyJIII)
via Reddit (_dyvil_)
via Reddit (@sklegglesscreen)
If you’ve come across a particularly striking vista, you should share it with us on Facebook or Twitter. If you need help finding items, ships, or multi tools, or have some to offer yourself, come by the No Man’s Sky Wiki.