Gearbox, world famous for their wildly successful Borderlands series, is taking a stab into the up and coming hero shooter subgenre with their colorful entry, Battleborn. Taking control of up the 25 different characters, you’re tasked with protecting the last star in the universe from an existence level threat. This explains some of the sass many of these characters have, as the end of life itself can make a person pretty prickly.
The beta has just hit PC and Xbox One (it started on PS4 a week ago) and it is chock full of MOBA-like design, with minions needing to be escorted down pre-made tracks and a focus on destroying big hub objectives and what not. This game can be a lot to handle, though. Try some of these quick tips and get your head in the right space to save the universe.

1. Do the Story Missions
The five person co-op missions allow players to use the characters they’ve unlocked in a small sampling of the PvE missions in Battleborn. The story missions provide players with plenty of opportunities to gain experience and level up their abilities – you’ll almost always hit level 10 early – and see the full extent of a character’s powers. It’s also a great way to earn in-game credits and find high quality items to equip. Additionally, it’s where you’ll get a good look at some of the other secondary characters, and it’s the best place to take in Battleborn’s stellar writing. This game is funny.