Enter the Gungeon is Now Available on PC, PS4

Gaming News
Gaming News

Enter the Gungeon, the bullet hell dungeon crawler from Dodge Roll and Devolver Digital, has finally released on PC and PS4. I’ve played my fair share of the game thus far, and it’s very deserving of all the hype surrounding it. From the vast amount of hilarious weapons available to the awesome enemies you encounter, it’s as exciting and enjoyable as a dungeon crawler gets. You can check it out now on Steam, GOG, Humble, or the Playstation Store.

To celebrate the launch of the game, Gungeoneers is hosting a Cobalt Hammer Item Giveaway, where you can claim a Steam code for an end-game weapon. You can also join the Gungeon conversation on the site’s official forums, where players are gathering to discuss the game in detail. 

Of the four Gungeoneers in the single-player mode of the game, the Hunter is by far my favorite. I love using her Crossbow in the early levels of the game, and the dog comes in handy to find extra items upon completing a room. You can see the Hunter and the other Gungeoneers in action (including the Cultist) in the below Launch Trailer. After deciding which Gungeoneer you’ll choose first, check out these starting tips to help you face the ever-annoying Bullet Kin.

Will you be entering the dreaded Gungeon this evening? You can grab the standard or Collector’s Edition versions of the game now and jump right into the action. For all of your Enter the Gungeon questions, make sure to visit the Official Wiki on Gamepedia. There, you’ll find weapon information, gun stats, and more.


Brianna Reed 


Brianna engages with the Gamepedia community through editorial content and social media. When she’s not busy tweeting about gaming news, she enjoys playing tabletop games, spending time outdoors, and binge-watching sci-fi.