Episode 5 of Minecraft: Story Mode launched on March 29. This original story from Telltale Games follows Jesse, a passionate Minecraft newbie as he sets out on a journey with his friends to find The Order of the Stone – five legendary adventurers who saved the Minecraft world.
Similarly, players all over the world have created thousands of fan-made movies with their own unique stories using the Minecraft sandbox. In honor of the Episode 5 release of Story Mode, which wraps up the main storyline in Season 1, let’s take a look at some of the greatest Minecraft stories created by fans.
Why Ghasts Are Sad
Ghasts can cause quite a bit of trouble when you stumble into a group of them. But players have always wondered: Why do they look so sad? Fear not, as this movie gives us a solid theory of what exactly gives them their constant frown.
42 Ways to Die in Minecraft
This long and creative montage shows the world just how many ways someone can die in Minecraft. From setting off huge piles of TNT or shooting yourself with a high-flying arrow, the possibilities are truly endless.
This is a beautiful and unexpected mash-up. Ender-Colossus combines the worlds of Minecraft and Team ICO’s Shadow of the Colossus. The blocky giant has some great destructive moments within in the video.
10 Ways to Troll Your Best Friend
Looking to troll one a friend on your Minecraft server? Look no further than this goofy video, which demonstrates some subtle ways you can mess with other players.
If You Couldn’t Die in Minecraft
If you found out you couldn’t die, what would be the first thing you’d do? Try out all sorts of creative ways you could defy death, of course. Live out that fantasy in this Minecraft machinima.
Minecraftian is a 45-minute, full-length movie with an engaging plot. Looking to make a quick buck, a man named Steve meets with a professor, who puts him into suspended animation. After thousands of years, Steve re-emerges. With humanity gone and strange creatures appearing, Steve must do everything he can to survive.
New World
This parody music video of the popular Coldplay song “Paradise” has been a huge hit for popular Minecraft YouTuber Sky (67 million views and counting!). The video features superb original animation and great vocals by Sky.
The Life of a Zombie
There are few feelings worse than seeing one of your grand Minecraft projects overrun by zombies in the night. But even though you may hate zombies, have you ever considered what the life of a zombie is really like? This movie does a great job of showing that there is more than meets the eye.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Minerium
Here’s another great Minecraft mash-up featuring the mega-popular RPG series Elder Scrolls. The movie features some great combat shots and a dangerous looking dragon. Let’s be thankful we don’t have to deal with them spawning in our games!
LEGO Minecraft Movie
Perhaps the most impressive of all fan-made Minecraft movies is the LEGO Minecraft movie. This feature-length, 90-minute was created entirely in stop-motion using Minecraft LEGO sets. The movie’s fine details are unmatched, and it deserves a spot on pretty much any Minecraft-related list.